
01. október 2013

Málstofa um verðbréfun (securitization), útlán banka og peningastefnu

Fimmtudaginn 3. október næstkomandi kl. 15 mun Kristin Ann Van Gaasbeck halda fyrirlestur um ofangreint efni í fyrirlestrarsalnum Sölvhóli í Seðlabanka Íslands. Kristin Ann er prófessor við California State University og núna Fulbright kennari við hagfræðideild Háskóla Íslands. 

Fyrirlesturinn fer fram á ensku og er ágrip hans á ensku sem hér segir:

Using a bank lending channel framework, this study investigates how securitization affects the monetary transmission mechanism. The effectiveness of expansionary and contractionary policies is evaluated separately on the loan growth of banks divided by asset size, capital adequacy, and securitized asset holdings. There is evidence that securitization weakens the bank-lending channel but this result is not robust across all specifications. The implication of the analysis is that the effect of securitization on the efficacy of monetary policy depends greatly on the structure of the financial system.

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