04 June 2024

Current account deficit 40.8 b.kr. in Q1/2024 – net IIP positive by 41.4% of GDP

Central Bank of Iceland

The current account deficit measured 40.8 b.kr. in Q1/2024. This represents a deterioration of 11.7 b.kr. relative to the previous quarter and 26.2 b.kr. relative to Q1/2023.  At the end of the quarter, the net international investment position was positive by 1,775 b.kr., or 41.4% of GDP. It improved by 201 b.kr., or 4.6% of GDP, during the quarter.

This is included in new information published on the Central Bank of Iceland website.

See further: Current account deficit 40.8 b.kr. in Q1/2024 – net IIP positive by 41.4% of GDP - Press release no. 9/2024.
