Looking back and looking forward: How do we preserve monetary and financial stability?

Seðlabanki Íslands hélt alþjóðlega ráðstefnu um hvernig varðveita skuli peningalegan og fjármálalegan stöðugleika á Grand hóteli 12. júlí sem bar ensku yfirskriftina Looking back and looking forward: How do we preserve monetary and financial stability?  Ráðstefnunni var skipt í tvær setur og var hvor með sínu umræðuefni.

Ráðstefnan fór fram á ensku og dagskrá hennar má finna hér að neðan.


SESSION I: Crisis management, resolution and recovery in small European countries on an IMF programme

Chair: Arnór Sighvatsson, former Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Iceland




Patrick Honohan, former Governor, Central Bank of Ireland
Learning from the Irish Crisis


Carlos da Silva Costa, Governor, Central Bank of Portugal
Portugal: Crisis, adjustment and the path to sustainable growth


Ilmars Rimsevics, Governor, Central Bank of Latvia
Crisis and recovery in Latvia. What are the lessons learnt?


Már Guðmundsson, Governor, Central Bank of Iceland
Crisis, Policy Responses and Recovery in Iceland


SESSION II: Improving financial stability frameworks and reforming financial regulation after the Great Financial Crisis: Where do we stand?


Chair: Marc Uzan, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee




Esther George, President, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Securing Economic and Financial Stability




Jon Nicolaisen, Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Norway
What can we do to enhance financial stability?


Sigríður Benediktsdóttir, former Director of Financial Stability at the Central Bank of Iceland and current Lecturer at Yale University
Post-crisis framework and tools for preserving financial stability


Video recording from the meeting:

Looking back and looking forward: How do we preserve monetary and financial stability?